Single Adults Ministry

Single Adults are one of the fastest growing demographics in our culture. As a church, we must learn to know and love the single adults of our churches and communities, share the good news of Jesus with them and help them find God’s direction and purpose for their lives.

The purpose of the Single Adults Ministry is to help districts, churches, pastors, and leaders build spiritually-strong single and single-again adults of all ages.

As coordinators, Bryan and Libby are very positive about single people in the church and choose to see those experiencing a season - or a lifetime - of being unmarried as a positive thing. They take to heart First Corinthians 7: 32-35 which simply says a single person has more time to devote to the Lord and His work. “Being single is not a problem to fix.”

Bryan and Libby are available to speak at your church or singles event, or counsel and pray with pastors and leaders.  They also invite you to visit their social media page for the connection groups they lead at North Little Rock First Assembly. FirstNLR Blended Family Connection on Facebook.  

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Rev. Bryan and Libby Stell Single Adult Ministries Coordinators Email